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Episode 33: Navigating Dreams

with Jean Kathryn

Show Notes

Please note: new episodes will now be airing every 2 weeks.

Tune in to learn how to connect to the wisdom of your dreams. Dream and vibrant living  alchemist , Jean Kathryn explains how to have a relationship with your dreams so that you can learn from the messages they are communicating. She takes us on a journey to the invisible realms and explains the importance of wonder, creativity and imagination.

Jean Kathryn Carlson, Dream Alchemist and Oracle Guide, loves life and is passionate about spreading joy wherever she goes. She considers it a gift to be alive at this time when we get to participate in the evolution of consciousness on this planet. JK enthusiastically contributes to that endeavor through a variety of magical tools, like dreaming and EFT/ tapping. She knows that better living through magic is available for every one of us.

Jean Kathryn is a certified Dream Group Facilitator, certified ProEFT Coach, certified Tribal Marketing Coach, certified Dream Coach, certified Speaking Circles™ Facilitator, Law of Attraction Life Coach and Oracle Guide.

The handout mentioned in the show is below at the bottom of the extended show notes!

To contact Jean Kathryn:

Facebook: Jean Kathryn ... Vibrant Living Alchemist

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lyn farrugia

Extended Show Notes

Highlights from the Episode:

General Dream Info

1. Our dreams want to have a relationship with us.

2. Dreams always come to support, help, encourage us.

3. Dreams are part of our processing.

4. Our dreams are as alive as we are. They are just on another plane.

5. There are characters and symbols in our dreams and when we develop a relationship with them there’s an energy there to connect to.

6. Dreams speak in images so they are often not logical.

7.  Dreams come to show us what we are uniquely blind in so sometimes working with a dream expert can help us to gain perspective.

8. Everybody in the dream is all a part of us/our psyche and wants to be revealed. We need to move from the literal to symbolic.

9. Sex in dreams. What does the person have that I might have in the shadows that my psyche is ready to unite with (example: confidence)?

10. All dreams have multiple layers of meaning both symbolic and literal.

11. Dreams have no right or wrong answer.

12. Active imagination is when we reenter the dream and imagine a conversation or interaction with a dream character.

13. Death in dreams can be positive because after death comes resurrection and rebirth. The death may represent something in us that needs to be let go so we can grow rather than being about our physical death.

14. Nightmares are here to wake us up with fear and have important messages.



 What if you have trouble remember your dreams?

1. Make a decision and intention to remember them. Put a pen and paper next to your bed.

2. Get curious about how Spirit is speaking to you. Dreams are about communicating with the invisible realms. Spirit communication can come in many ways-synchronicities, oracle cards etc.

3. When you wake up and have an image or thought in your mind take time to imagine where it might lead- focus on it.


Once you remember a dream what are the next steps?

1.Soften logical thinking and ask what else might the symbols in the dream mean?

2. Get curious

3. Let the dream be in the background of your brain and look during the day for synchronicities related to the image.

4. Bring the dream into the shower with you and set an intention to wonder about it and see what comes up.

5. Use an oracle card deck – ask what is the dream about and see if the card that you pick triggers any connections.


Allow aliveness to come through from the invisible realms into physical matter and waking life.


Be in the moment… Wonder… Imagine…

Sparks of Wisdom from Jean Kathryn

1. Choose to have a relationship with them at imaginal realm.

2. Allow dreams to speak to you.

3. Have fun and be curious about what the language of your dreams is telling you.

4. No that deep within you is a world of wisdom that is wanting to get your attention and wanting you to Xpress in the world so that you and others can have more vibrant lives.

Handout from Jean Kathryn          

Dream Drops:

Imaginative Ideas to Awaken to the Wisdom in Your Dream

Prepared by Jean Kathryn Carlson, Vibrant Living Alchemist

Congratulations! You have your dream journal (or are shopping for just the right one) and are committed to recording your dreams. Now you are remembering your dreams and you are wondering how to make sense of their bizarre language where nothing seems to follow the logic of waking life. 

Below you will find a variety of creative activities designed to allow you to play with your dreams and access the wisdom and insights they have come to share. Have fun!

1. Do a Dream Doodle. Doodling (making those crazy wild marks on paper while you are listening to a boring lecture or having a long conversation on the phone) is a great way to calm the mind and allow insights to bubble up. If you don’t think you are skilled at drawing and experience frustration every time you try to draw the simplest object, then drawing your dreams will likely produce frustration.

However, when you keep your dream lightly in mind and give yourself permission to doodle on a blank page, you calm the critic and experience the pleasure of creation. You can use pen or pencil, colored or not. Let the design flow through you onto the page and have fun! When you’re finished, gaze at the page and see what you see. What insights about the dream bubble up? Doodling is not about art. It’s about allowing the overworked left brain to relax and make connections. Try it!

2.Word Play. Open your dream journal to any dream. Circle the nouns in your dream. Put a box around the verbs. Underline the adjectives and adverbs. Next take a noun, pair it with a verb, accentuate them with adverbs or adjectives and voila! Your dream has a new look, a new expression. What insights come forth from this new way of looking at the dream?

Are parts of speech a mystery to you? No worries. Instead of circling parts of speech, go through your dream and circle or box or underline words you like or words that seem are full of energy for you and then string them together to create a new sentence. The point is to see what magic shows up when you play with the words in your dream.  Ready to play?

3. PULL a CARD. Feel into your dream. Ask for information about the dream and pull a card from your favorite oracle cards deck. What connections and insights arise?

Don’t have a deck?  At Collette Baron Reid’s website ( you can pull a card a day.

An interesting deck designed for dreams is The Abaton Keys: a Dream Healing Oracle Deck by Patti Allen ( This deck was inspired by the ancient Greek tradition of traveling to a sacred site, sleeping and receiving a healing dream for the pilgrims’ journey.

4. Digital Fun. Pinterest ( is an image rich social media platform. Once you set up an account you can create digital boards to express yourself. You could create a board dedicated to dream images in general or have a specific dream in mind and search for images that resonate with that dream. It’s fun! 

5. What’s it to you? Keep a personal association journal. Keep track of the symbols/images that show up and set aside a moment or two to see where the associations might take you. For example: if a dog shows up in your dreams you would write down all your associations with the word “dog”. 

Whatever shows up in your dreams (animals, transportation, colors, numbers) can be used in this game. 

7. Dream Echoes. Watch for ways the dream comes to visit during the day. These synchronicities are fun, and I consider them winks from the Universe. For example, you dream of a hawk and the next day you spot a hawk circling in the sky. You would then get curious about the symbolism of the hawk and how that relates to your life in the moment.

Jean Kathryn's  Bio

Jean Kathryn Carlson, Dream Alchemist and Oracle Guide, loves life and is passionate about spreading joy wherever she goes. She considers it a gift to be alive at this time when we get to participate in the evolution of consciousness on this planet. JK enthusiastically contributes to that endeavor through a variety of magical tools, like dreaming and EFT/ tapping. She knows that better living through magic is available for every one of us.

Jean Kathryn is a certified Dream Group Facilitator, certified ProEFT Coach, certified Tribal Marketing Coach, certified Dream Coach, certified Speaking Circles™ Facilitator, Law of Attraction Life Coach and Oracle Guide.

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