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Episode 24: Divine Messages and Universal Truths With Marisa Moris


Show Notes

Tune in for a one of a kind adventure with best -selling Hay House author and host of the #1 Radio show : Discovering Intuition with Marisa Moris. Marisa is a medical intuitive, Higher Self channel, and fascinating human being who is here to teach us about universal truths in a fun and entertaining way. She shares personal stories, messages from guides and she channels wisdom from her higher self throughout our conversation. She teaches us exercises we can use to discover our purpose, light our Divine spark and connect to our higher self. She demystifies the "supernatural" and explains her passion for teaching people, especially children how to connect with their intuition.

Marisa has kindly offered a free 30 day trial to her new platform for the listeners of the Holistic wellness and Wisdom Podcast. Go here to check it out:


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marisa moris

Extended Show Notes

Highlights from the Episode:


Messages/ Wisdom:

1.   Everyone has a piece of them self that knows it all. This part should not be doubted.


2.   It’s key to live a life as if you are in heaven now. Creating your reality where you feel as if you’re living a life where you don’t change your purpose because of what others tell you.


3.   Each day is a new day. Try not to hang onto identities of the past and what others have told you that you need to be. People’s expectations are based on what parents, coaches, media, and others have told them are holding the world back right now. Shame, blame, guilt coming from society and wanting to be a good person are holding people back. If you’re a good person you don’t need to “try” to be a good person you just are. Many people are being made to think they are not a good person and not doing what they need to do so they are highly affected by shame games, fear games, and by putting themselves into a herd mentality.


4.   BE a ME – an individual that can stand tall and stand with other individuals but not become a collective herd. Because when you become a part of the collective herd, you lose the connection to the piece of you that knows everything because you now have made the group consciousness your higher self. This is where the world is headed.


5.   Everybody knows exactly what it is they need to do in life but we spend all our time each day talking ourselves out of it. It’s time for us to get to living our purpose because many people are just living in the shadows of themselves in fear.


6.   Our purpose and gifts are already in us. The divine spark is what we truly are. When we reconnect to it; we are everything. We are a spark from Source. The divine spark can go anywhere and know anything.


7.   Identify with your generation it helps you tune into wisdom.


8.   Your life is your curriculum. Everything you’ve been through is what you should be teaching. You already know what to do; everything is in you. You may just be looking to others for confirmation.


9.   The key to a happy life is understanding fear. Fear is the only thing to fear. Fear doesn’t exist prior to age three. We believe the world revolves around us. The first fear we feel is that we don’t have control over something. When we start to see things separate from us, fear begins. Not putting fear into children between ages 3 to 7 is important because the fear turns into life or death. The world will completely change if people released fear. Fear still exists but not in the higher self. It only knows wisdom and truth. Discernment of what’s true and not true is the number one lesson people need to learn for themselves. It has to do with love, the heart, feeling what someone is saying and seeing if it feels true. If it doesn’t feel true; trust yourself and know that it’s not true and don’t allow yourself to fear what they are saying


10. When fully inside ourselves, we are grounded so fear does not exist. In this present moment you are perfect. If you are 100% in yourself, centered in your hear, free from fear, you can heal anything, do anything, and achieve anything.


11. Choose compassion versus reaction 


12. Spirituality is science we haven’t yet proven


13. The world will start shifting when more people can connect with her higher self and see life from an expanded perception.


14. The most important thing is that people are 100% in their body. Most people are not in their body including children. If people are in their body, they don’t need to worry about who or what they are because everything is them. Ask yourself what percent of me am I in? Who else am I in? We have pieces of ourselves in others to see what it’s like to be them because we are curious and then we forget to pull back into ourselves.




The Love and Truth Hands Exercise:

Say: I am my divine spark.

Show me in my hands what love feels like.

Show me what truth feels like.

Then ask whatever question you want to know about. For example: Show me what it feels like to take X job …

 Does it match with how love and truth feel in your hands? Answer Yes or no then choose accordingly.



Where Is My Divine Spark Exercise:

Ask: Where is my divine spark?

How much of me is outside of me?

Say:  Come back and feel yourself coming back into the center of your chest into your heart.

Ask that when you are 100% within yourself you will get a sign ( or you can muscle test etc.)



Centering Exercise from Marisa’s Book: Attunement:

Say:  zero heart, zero ground, zero source

Do this every day to feel wiser.  It’s the easiest way to start. It takes you to the zero point within you and helps you start to be centered and connected trusting something outside your ego to guide you through the day.



Find Your Purpose Exercise:

ASK: What’s my purpose?

Who told me that?

 Say: zero heart, zero ground, zero source

ask higher self:  what’s my purpose?

What is it that you have really always wanted to do and can see in this part of your mind yourself doing….

Write down the first thing that comes to mind and sit and imagine how that would make you feel…..



Looking To Others to Discover You Exercise:

You can look outside yourself and decide what you like about someone else Then know whatever you like about someone else you already have within you. If you look around yourself each day and see what you like and don’t like about people you will get a good gauge on who you are at any given time and who you want to be.




Free snow globe meditation on Marisa‘s website. It connects you to your higher self and helps with healing.


Sparks Of Wisdom from Marisa

1.     You are a combination of everyone around you- their emotions. It’s important to understand what emotions of other people we are reacting to. We often take on other people’s drama. To relieve yourself of what’s not yours, say: zero heart, 0 ground, zero source. I am my divine spark and take me to wherever I need to be to not feel this anxiety and not feel anything that does not belong to me.



2.   We are a spark of God. We know everything.  where we’re going and what our passions are.  We’re just sometimes too afraid to admit it because we are afraid of failure or success and changing. So, embrace what you really need to do in this life. To reel yourself back in: Say, I am my divine spark, show me my path and your higher self will lead you.

Marisa's Bio

Best Selling Hay House Author and Radio Host, Clear Channel, Healer of Healers. Founder of Intuition Media and Intuition Kids.

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