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Holistic Psychology and Sports Performance

Consulting Services for Children and Adults

Holistic psychology and sports wellness services include: individual sessions, meditation workshops, mindfulness training, and workshops on positive psychology topics


Holistic Psychologist

Holistic psychology focuses on assessing and enhancing all dimensions of the human experience. So we look at the biological, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental aspects and how these elements interact and shape an individual’s experiences and behaviors.

When an individual is experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, stress, or dis-ease, it is because they are no longer able to function as an integrated whole.  The emphasis is on re-integrating all those areas so that an individual is in alignment and able to experience life more fully and vibrantly. This applies to challenges with emotional health, physical health, mental health, and spiritual well-being, as well as relationships, and academic or athletic performance.

Techniques from a wide variety of areas such as traditional psychotherapy, positive psychology, meditation, mindfulness, energy medicine, ecotherapy (earth medicine), yoga, and other healing arts are used to help restore balance.

Years ago we lived in villages and small communities where we learned incidentally from others and lived in ways that naturally promoted the wisdom of living an authentic life. In today's high-tech world, it is easy to become disconnected from ourselves and/or connected to a false sense of reality. Join me on a journey to find your way home to being uniquely you, the way you were meant to be....

Dr Kimberlyann

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How to Use Your Health Insurance

Check out my new book on Amazon!

Journey to the Wisdom Within explores the nature of one's own uniqueness and intuition through journaling. Five souls write of their life experience prompted by questions designed to dive deep into their own heart. From this precious place they reveal their authentic voice unreserved by ego and a nattering mind. They discover truly that there is a fountain of wisdom within all of us. Space is provided for you to engage with your heart and journal your own unique wisdom on open pages. Join these warriors as they adventure through the depths of their own ever expanding being.

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Natural Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

If you ever feel anxious or stressed, try using these simple, natural methods to alleviate tension and center your mind, body, and spirit.

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